cent1857_0830-02 (1).JPG cent1857_0830-02 (2).JPG

1857 Flying Eagle Cent, Choice Very Fine

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1857 Flying Eagle Cent, Extremely Fine+

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1857 Flying Eagle Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated

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1858 Small Letters Flying Eagle Cent, Choice Extremely Fine

cent1858SL_A383A.JPG cent1858SL_A383B.JPG

1858 Small Letters Flying Eagle Cent, ANACS AU-55, Popular Early Type

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1859 Indian Cent, Choice Extremely Fine, First Year Type

cent1864Br_P9215A.JPG cent1864Br_P9215B.jpg

1864 Br Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63RB, Snow-7?, RPD, Old Holder

cent1864L_P5815Y.JPG cent1864L_0426-01 (1).jpg

1864-L Indian Cent, Snow-5, Repunched Date, RPD, PCGS XF-45

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1864-L Indian Cent, PCGS AU-55, RPD, Snow-15, Well Struck

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1865 Indian Cent, Fancy 5, Snow-18, Pierced Cheek, PCGS MS-62BN

cent1866_P3342A.JPG cent1866_P3342B.JPG

1866 Indian Cent, PCGS AU-53, RPD, Repunched Date, Snow-8

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1867/67 Indian Cent, Repunched Date, Snow-1, FS-301, Almost Uncirculated

cent1869_P5771A.JPG cent1869_P5771B.JPG

1869 Indian Cent, Choice Extremely Fine, PCGS XF-45

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sold out

1869 Indian Cent, Semi Key Date, PCGS MS-62BN, Original

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1871 Indian Cent, Snow-1b Bar Lip, RPD, PCGS AU-55

cent1872_P5774B.jpg cent1872_P5774C.jpg

1872 Indian Cent, Snow-5a, Repunched Date, RPD, Almost Uncirculated PCGS AU-50

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1872 Indian Cent, Semi Key Date, PCGS AU-58, Eagle Eye Seal

1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted cent1874_P0582B.jpg

1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted

cent1876_P8734A.JPG cent1876_P8734B.JPG
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1876 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB, Nice Color

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1877 Indian Cent, Good, Original Key Date

1881 Indian Cent, Choice Proof, PCGS/CAC PR-64RB cent1881_P4673B.jpg

1881 Indian Cent, Choice Proof, PCGS/CAC PR-64RB

cent1886Ty1_A761A.JPG cent1886Ty1_A761B.JPG
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1886 Type 1 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, ANACS MS-64BN

cent1888_A763A.jpg cent1888_A763B.jpg

1888 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, ANACS MS-64RB

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1893 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated CACG MS-63BN, Pretty Coin

cent1893_P5188A.jpg cent1893_P5188B.jpg

1893 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB

cent1894_C2223A.JPG cent1894_C2223B.JPG

1894 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated CACG MS-63BN, Better Date

cent1894_P0102A.JPG cent1894_P0102B.JPG

1894 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-64RB

1895 Indian Cent, Repunched Date, Snow-1, FS-301, PCGS AU-58, Scarce cent1895_P6138B.jpg
sold out

1895 Indian Cent, Repunched Date, Snow-1, FS-301, PCGS AU-58, Scarce

cent1898_P5191A.jpg cent1898_P5191B.jpg

1898 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN

cent1908S_1122-01 (1).jpg cent1908S_1122-01 (2).jpg

1908-S Indian Cent, Very Fine+

cent1908S_P9263A.JPG cent1908S_P9263B.JPG
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1908-S Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, PCGS AU-58

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1909-S Indian Cent, Key Date, PCGS/CAC AU-55, Low CAC Pop

cent09VDB_0503-21 (1).JPG cent09VDB_0503-21 (2).JPG

1909 VDB Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated

cent1909SVDB_C6792G.JPG cent1909SVDB_C6792H.JPG

1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent, Almost Uncirculated CACG AU-50, Low CAC Pop

cent1909SVDB_P2268A.jpg cent1909SVDB_P2268B.jpg

1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-62BN

cent1910S_0603-01 (1).JPG cent1910S_0603-01 (2).JPG

1910-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Nice Color

cent11D_1027-07 (1).JPG cent11D_1027-07 (2).JPG

1911-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Extremely Fine, Original

cent1912_P1364A.JPG cent1912_P1364B.JPG
sold out

1912 Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS MS-65RB

1914-D Lincoln Cent, Key Date, CACG XF-45 cent1914D_C3143Y.JPG

1914-D Lincoln Cent, Key Date, CACG XF-45

cent1915D_P4860A.JPG cent1915D_P4860B.JPG

1915-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN, Nice Color

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1915-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB

cent1915D_P4861A.jpg cent1915D_P4861B.jpg

1915-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-65RB, Solid Original Coin

cent1916S_0629-02 (1).JPG cent1916S_0629-02 (2).JPG

1916-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Original Brown Unc

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1918-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Good Color

cent19S_0601-04 (1).JPG cent19S_0601-04 (2).JPG

1919-S Lincoln Cent, Uncirculated, Nice Color

cent1921S_P3529A.JPG cent1921S_P3529B.JPG

1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN

cent1922D_P2805A.JPG cent1922D_P2805C.JPG

1922-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN

cent1927S_P7170A.jpg cent1927S_P7170B.jpg
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1927-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-64RB, Well Struck - Scarce

cent1931D_P7033A.JPG cent1931D_P7033B.JPG
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1931-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-64RD, Tougher

cent34_P3182A.JPG cent34_P3182B.JPG

1934 Lincoln Cent, Gem BU, PCGS MS-66RB, Great Color!

1871 Indian Cent, Choice Extremely Fine cent1871_IC1871EF1 (2).JPG
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1871 Indian Cent, Choice Extremely Fine

1864 Bronze Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated cent1864_IC1864UncB.JPG
sold out

1864 Bronze Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated

1864 BR Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated PCGS MS63BN cent1864Br_P4701B.JPG
sold out

1864 BR Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated PCGS MS63BN

1866 Indian Cent, Choice AU/Unc, Original "Slider" (AU-58) cent1866_2.JPG
sold out

1866 Indian Cent, Choice AU/Unc, Original "Slider" (AU-58)

1867 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine+ cent1867_1.JPG
sold out

1867 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine+

1870 Indian Cent, FS-303, Pickax Variety, NGC XF-40 cent1870_N059B.jpg
sold out

1870 Indian Cent, FS-303, Pickax Variety, NGC XF-40

1871 Indian Cent, Problem Free Fine, Better Date cent1871_50.JPG
sold out

1871 Indian Cent, Problem Free Fine, Better Date

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, Extremely Fine, Problem Free cent1873_IC1873EF1B.JPG
sold out

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, Extremely Fine, Problem Free

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, Almost Uncirculated cent1873_57.JPG
sold out

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, Almost Uncirculated

1886 Indian Cent, Type One, Choice Extremely Fine cent1886_IC1886EF1B.JPG
sold out

1886 Indian Cent, Type One, Choice Extremely Fine

1904 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Great Color! cent04_IC04BU2 (2).JPG
sold out

1904 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Great Color!

1909 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RD cent09_P4706B.JPG
sold out

1909 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RD

1911-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN cent11D_P1367B.JPG
sold out

1911-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN

1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Brown cent21S_1119-03 (2).JPG
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1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Brown

1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN cent21S_P0697B.JPG
sold out

1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN

1871 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine, ANACS EF-40 cent1871_A171B.JPG
sold out

1871 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine, ANACS EF-40

1964-D Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated PCGS MS-65RB, Spectacular Color cent64D_P0524B.JPG
sold out

1964-D Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated PCGS MS-65RB, Spectacular Color

1910-S Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-65RB cent10S_P9485 (2).jpg
sold out

1910-S Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-65RB

1911-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN cent11D_P5656B.JPG
sold out

1911-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63BN

1915-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB cent15D_P7705 (2).JPG
sold out

1915-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB

1926-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN cent26S_P4057 (2).JPG
sold out

1926-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN

1931-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated cent31S_LC31SAU1 (2).JPG
sold out

1931-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated

1911-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS AU-58, Original "Slider" cent11S_P5657B.JPG
sold out

1911-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS AU-58, Original "Slider"

1918-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN cent18D_3583B.JPG
sold out

1918-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN

1894 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Interesting Color cent1894_IC1894BU1 (2).JPG
sold out

1894 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Interesting Color

1906 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Great Color! cent06_IC06BU1 (2).JPG
sold out

1906 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Great Color!

1875 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated cent1875_1126-06 (2).JPG
sold out

1875 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated

1915 Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Better Early P Mint cent15_LC15UncB.JPG
sold out

1915 Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Better Early P Mint

1861 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63 cent1861_P3988B.JPG
sold out

1861 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63

1919-S Lincoln Cent, MS-64RB, Old ANACS Mini Slab cent19S_A674B.JPG
sold out

1919-S Lincoln Cent, MS-64RB, Old ANACS Mini Slab

1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-62BN, Nice Color cent21S_P9656B.JPG
sold out

1921-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-62BN, Nice Color

1871 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Stunning Original "Slider" cent1871_P0278B.JPG
sold out

1871 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Stunning Original "Slider"

1876 Indian Cent, Popular Centennial Date, PCGS/CAC AU-58 cent1876_P0279E.JPG
sold out

1876 Indian Cent, Popular Centennial Date, PCGS/CAC AU-58

1915-S Lincoln Cent, Original AU/Unc "Slider", PCGS AU-58 cent15S_P8101B.JPG
sold out

1915-S Lincoln Cent, Original AU/Unc "Slider", PCGS AU-58

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, PCGS AU-58 cent1873_P5655B.JPG
sold out

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, PCGS AU-58

1917 Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS MS-65RB cent17_P9655B.JPG
sold out

1917 Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS MS-65RB

1908-S Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-63RB cent08S_P0593B.JPG
sold out

1908-S Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-63RB

1872 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine PCGS XF-40, Scarce cent1872_P2950 (2).jpg
sold out

1872 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine PCGS XF-40, Scarce

1920-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63RB cent20S_P5567B.JPG
sold out

1920-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-63RB

1925-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB cent25D_P0686B.JPG
sold out

1925-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB

1886 Indian Cent, Type 2, Choice Almost Uncirculated cent1886Ty2_A421B.JPG
sold out

1886 Indian Cent, Type 2, Choice Almost Uncirculated

1917 Lincoln Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-64BN, Great Color! cent17_P8111C.JPG
sold out

1917 Lincoln Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-64BN, Great Color!

1886 Indian Cent, Type 1, Choice Almost Uncirculated PCGS AU-58, Scarce cent1886_P5566B.JPG
sold out

1886 Indian Cent, Type 1, Choice Almost Uncirculated PCGS AU-58, Scarce

1910-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated cent10S_2.JPG
sold out

1910-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated

1876 Indian Cent, Popular Centennial Date, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Scarce With CAC cent1876_P0279D.JPG
sold out

1876 Indian Cent, Popular Centennial Date, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Scarce With CAC

1885 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Nice Color cent1885_IC1885UncB.JPG
sold out

1885 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Nice Color

1907 Indian Cent, NGC Proof-64RB, Great Color! cent07_N025B.JPG
sold out

1907 Indian Cent, NGC Proof-64RB, Great Color!

1871 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Rare Original Slider cent1871_P0278D.JPG
sold out

1871 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Rare Original Slider

1864 CN Indian Cent, PCGS MS-64, Nice Type Coin cent1864CN_P3238B.JPG
sold out

1864 CN Indian Cent, PCGS MS-64, Nice Type Coin

1868 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-64RB cent1868_P4215B.JPG
sold out

1868 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-64RB

1870 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Doubled Die Reverse, Bold N cent1870_P7916C.jpg
sold out

1870 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Doubled Die Reverse, Bold N

1925-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-63RB, Scarce cent25S_P9846B.JPG
sold out

1925-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-63RB, Scarce

1867 Indian Cent, Repunched Date 67/67, Snow-1, Original Fine+ cent1867_IC1867-7F1B.jpg
sold out

1867 Indian Cent, Repunched Date 67/67, Snow-1, Original Fine+

1914-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS AU-58, Scarcer cent14S_P3178B.JPG
sold out

1914-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS AU-58, Scarcer

1901 Indian Cent, Choice Unciruclated, Great Color! cent01_IC01BU1 (2).jpg
sold out

1901 Indian Cent, Choice Unciruclated, Great Color!

1926-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-63RB, Scarce with Any Red Showing cent26S_P4536B.JPG
sold out

1926-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-63RB, Scarce with Any Red Showing

1890 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-64RB, Much Red Remains cent1890_P2272B.JPG
sold out

1890 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-64RB, Much Red Remains

1864-L Indian Cent, PCGS AU-58, Old Holder, Repunched Date cent1864L_P2748B.JPG
sold out

1864-L Indian Cent, PCGS AU-58, Old Holder, Repunched Date

1873 Indian Cent, Close 3, Closed 3, PCGS/CAC MS-62BN, UNIQUE at CAC, POP 1! cent1873_P5565B.JPG
sold out

1873 Indian Cent, Close 3, Closed 3, PCGS/CAC MS-62BN, UNIQUE at CAC, POP 1!

1925 Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Interesting Color cent25_LC25BU (2).JPG
sold out

1925 Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, Interesting Color

1932 Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS MS-65RD, Old Green Holder cent32_P3740B.JPG
sold out

1932 Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS MS-65RD, Old Green Holder

1914-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Very Fine, Key Date, Scarce cent14D_1171-04 (2).JPG
sold out

1914-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Very Fine, Key Date, Scarce

cent25D_P2595A.JPG cent25D_P2595B.JPG
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1925-D Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-64RD, Semi Key Date

cent1859_P0357A.JPG cent1859_P0357B.JPG
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1859 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, PCGS AU-55

cent1865_P7471A.JPG cent1865_P7471C.JPG
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1865 Indian Cent, Fancy Five, PCGS AU-55, Eagle Eye Cert

cent1862_0212-01 (1).JPG cent1862_0212-01 (2).JPG
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1862 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, Well Struck, Die Cracks

cent09_P3175A.JPG cent09_P3175B.JPG
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1909 Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-64RB, Great Color

cent1870_A752A.JPG cent1870_A752B.JPG
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1870 Indian Cent, Choice Extremely Fine, ANACS EF-45

cent1870_0316-03 (1).JPG cent1870_0316-03 (2).JPG
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1870 Indian Cent, Extremely Fine, Original Semi Key Date

cent1870_P7915A.JPG cent1870_P7915C.jpg
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1870 Indian Cent, Doubled Die Reverse, Snow-24, Bold N Reverse, PCGS MS-62BN

cent1872_A754A.JPG cent1872_A754B.JPG
sold out

1872 Indian Cent, Almost Uncirculated, ANACS AU-50

cent1873_P4400A.JPG cent1873_P4400B.JPG
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1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, Almost Uncirculated, PCGS AU-53

cent14D_P3516A.JPG cent14D_P3516B.JPG
sold out

1914-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Very Fine, PCGS/CAC VF-35, Original Key Date

cent1869_P4070A.JPG cent1869_P4070B.JPG
sold out

1869 Indian Cent, PCGS VF-35, Tough Semi Key Date

cent1875_P5396A.JPG cent1875_P5396B.JPG
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1875 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated PCGS MS-63BN, Snow-2, RPD, Scarce

cent1876_P1413A.JPG cent1876_P1413B.JPG
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1876 Indian Cent, Choice Extremely Fine, PCGS XF-45, Popular Date

cent1869_P3514A.JPG cent1869_P3514B.JPG
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1869 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Rare Problem Free Coin

cent15S_P9315A.JPG cent15S_P9315B.JPG
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1915-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN

cent1875_P9760A.JPG cent1875_P9760B.JPG
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1875 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-64RB, PQ and Near Red

cent1895_P2563A.JPG cent1895_P2563B.JPG
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1895 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated PCGS MS-64RB, Mostly Red

cent26S_P9317A.JPG cent26S_P9317B.JPG
sold out

1926-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated PCGS MS-64BN, Well Struck

cent1857_P4021A.JPG cent1857_P4021B.JPG
sold out

1857 Flying Eagle Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, PCGS AU-55

1870 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-55, FS-801, Snow-14, Doubled Die Reverse cent1870_P9312B.jpg
sold out

1870 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC AU-55, FS-801, Snow-14, Doubled Die Reverse

cent10S_P9014A.JPG cent10S_P9014B.JPG
sold out

1910-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64RB

cent1913D_P4816A.JPG cent1913D_P4816B.JPG
sold out

1913-D Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-65BN

cent1886Ty2_P9313A.JPG cent1886Ty2_P9313B.JPG
sold out

1886 Type 2 Indian Cent, PCGS AU-58, Well Struck, Very Scarce

cent1925S_P1315A.JPG cent1925S_P1315B.JPG
sold out

1925-S Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-62BN, Sharply Struck, Scarce

cent1873Op_P5059A.JPG cent1873Op_P5059B.JPG
sold out

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, PCGS AU-58

cent1923S_P5178A.jpg cent1923S_P5178B.jpg
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1923-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-64BN, PQ Better Date

cent1869_P2734A.jpg cent1869_P2734B.jpg
sold out

1869 Indian Cent, PCGS VF-35, Original Semi Key Date

cent1863_P0942A.JPG cent1863_P0942B.JPG
sold out

1863 Indian Cent, PCGS MS-65, Classic Date for Type

cent1865_N003A.jpg cent1865_N003B.jpg
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1865 Indian Cent, Plain 5, NGC MS-63BN, Repunched Date, Snow-6

cent19S_P2569A.JPG cent19S_P2569B.JPG
sold out

1919-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated PCGS MS-64BN, Great Color!

cent1875_N004B.JPG cent1875_N004A.jpg
sold out

1875 Indian Cent, Snow-12, Misplaced Digit, Almost Uncirculated, NGC AU-58BN

1925-D Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-63RB, Near Red, Well Struck cent1925D_P7030C.JPG
sold out

1925-D Lincoln Cent, PCGS MS-63RB, Near Red, Well Struck

cent1865_P1616B.JPG cent1865_P1616A.JPG
sold out

1865 Fancy 5 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-63RB

cent1873Op3_P3534A.JPG cent1873Op3_P3534B.JPG
sold out

1873 Indian Cent, Open 3, Choice Almost Uncirculated, PCGS AU-55

cent1869_P7557A.jpg cent1869_P7557B.jpg
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1869 Indian Cent, 1869/69, RPD, Snow-4, PCGS AU-53, Attributed on Label

cent1876_A521A.JPG cent1876_A521B.JPG
sold out

1876 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, ANACS AU-53

cent1858LL_P8798A.JPG cent1858LL_P8798B.JPG
sold out

1858 Large Letters Flying Eagle Cent, PCGS XF-45, Snow-7 Overdate & DDO, Rare

cent1909S_P1155A.JPG cent1909S_P1155B.JPG
sold out

1909-S Indian Cent, Extremely Fine, PCGS XF-40

1909-S Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, CACG AU-55 cent1909S_C8595C.jpg
sold out

1909-S Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, CACG AU-55

cent1877_P2267Y.jpg cent1877_P2267A.jpg
sold out

1877 Indian Cent, Key Date, PCGS VF-20

cent1955DDO_P2486X.jpg cent1955DDO_P2486Z.jpg
sold out

1955 Doubled Die Lincoln Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC AU-55

cent1909S_C3256G.JPG cent1909S_C3256H.JPG
sold out

1909-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, CACG MS-62BN, Looks Nicer, Pop 1

cent1879_C2022A.JPG cent1879_C2022B.JPG
sold out

1879 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated CACG MS-62RB, Too Cheap!

cent1883_C8051A.jpg cent1883_C8051B.jpg
sold out

1883 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated CACG MS-64BN, Superb Eye Appeal

cent1889_P5187A.jpg cent1889_P5187B.jpg
sold out

1889 Indian Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-64BN, Nice Color

cent1867_P7117A.JPG cent1867_P7117B.JPG
sold out

1867 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC AU-58, Original & Attractive

1866 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, Original cent1866_0731-02 (2).JPG
sold out

1866 Indian Cent, Choice Almost Uncirculated, Original

cent1922D_P7029A.jpg cent1922D_P7029B.jpg
sold out

1922-D Lincoln Cent, Gem Uncirculated, PCGS/CAC MS-65RB, Tough

cent1926S_P4864A.jpg cent1926S_P4864B.jpg
sold out

1926-S Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated, PCGS MS-62BN

cent1927D_C7399A.jpg cent1927D_C7399B.jpg
sold out

1927-D Lincoln Cent, Choice Uncirculated CACG MS-64RB, Better Date

cent1872_P8374A.JPG cent1872_P8374B.JPG
sold out

1872 Indian Cent, Semi Key Date, PCGS/CAC AU-55, Original
