1785 Nova Constellatio, Early Federal Issue, Rough but Genuine

1785 Nova Constellatio, Early Federal Issue, Rough but Genuine


A lower grade but generally sound example of this early speculative coinage. The date is not legible, however these can be identified as 1785 vs. 1783 by the style of the “US” in the central Obverse (the Obverse of a coin is traditionally taken as being that with the date, although you will commonly see these photographed the other way around). Pointed Rays, Crosby 3-B, the commonest type. Equivalent to what will generally certify as a Good, as early hand-made coinage is commonly given a “mulligan” due to the very crude methods used to make them. Otherwise, the surfaces are typical for the amount of use. Despite their somewhat questionable original as far as being “official” versus unofficial U. S. issues, these definitely got out and worked in circulation. If nothing else, a fun and affordable example of an early U. S. issue - and one you can actually handle without worrying too much about damage or additional wear!

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